Monday 9 March 2015

i-D Magazine

I-D Magazine is a British magazine that is primarily based on youth culture focussing on fashion, music and art. The magazine was created in 1980 by Terry Jones, a previous Vogue art director. The very first issue of the magazine was a fanzine typed from a typewriter that focussed on the street style of the punk era and sold for just 50p a copy. Today, the magazine has evolved into a maturer, glossy magazine but unlike magazines such as 'Dazed and Confused' and 'Love' it is still predominantly focussed on youth culture and street style.

Like many fashion magazines,  i-D features the well known, expensive fashion brands at the front of the magazine. Theses brands include Chanel, Gucci, Dior and Prada. As well as the more expensive brands, high street fashion is also featured such as River Island and Topshop.
As the magazine is based on fashion, art, music and youth culture, many of the fashion brands advertised fit in with the theme of the magazine. Designers such as Balmain who's SS15 look saw beautifully diverse and colourful fashion on the catwalk are featured in the magazine appealing to the target audience. Brands like Neil Barrett are also featured whose clothes typically have a minimalist grunge feel to them, much like the magazine itself.

Art influenced fashion is shown in the magazine appealing to it's target audience
Although the advertising is predominantly fashion based, the adverts do not dominate the magazine unlike others like Harper's Bazaar and Elle that have advertising on almost every page. 
Although there are a few stray adverts unrelated to fashion and music such as and advert for IKEA and one for a Fiat 500, they still appeal to the audience. The IKEA advert mentions living in London and art which straight away appeals to the target audience and the Fiat 500 advert shows a young girl buying a car that is ultimately out of her price range. These adverts all contribute to the theme of the magazine even if they do not at first appear to do so.
From looking at a variety of different versions of i-D magazine, it is clear to see that within the articles, i-D gives the readers an important message.
In the pre spring music issue, an article with singer Lily Allen shows a variety of images of Lily in a relaxed pose, smiling and looking as though she is enjoying life. The very first words of this interview are 'Never miss your chance to dance' which conveys that the audience are encouraged to enjoy life. This is backed up in other editions of the magazine such as the beautiful issue which features quotes such as 'Rule number one, you gotta have fun' and 'A smile is the best makeup'. The general message of the magazine is to enjoy yourself whilst exploring your passions and dreams.
A selection of inspiration quotes from the beauty edition of i-D magazine
A selection of photographs from the beauty edition of i-D magazine
Throughout the magazine there are interviews with up and coming teenage artists who discuss their passion for music and making a career for themselves. Although the interviews are relaxed, with swearing being featured as an example of just how relaxed this magazine is, the artists discuss their thoughts and hopes inspiring the reader to think about what is it they are passionate about.
Two articles in particular that grabbed my attention was one interviewing 12 year old actress Quvenzhané Wallis and another featuring Britain's rock stars children in fashionable clothing. What I love about these articles is that i-D shows no discrimination. The magazine embraces talent of all ages and this is something that I think makes the magazine very popular. Imagining a twelve year old being interviewed in a fashion magazine like Harper's Bazaar is completely unimaginable. I enjoy the more relaxed feel to this magazine and it is definitely something that appeals to me.

An article interviewing a twelve year old actress shows I-D's passion for youth culture
It is clear from analysing various i-D editions and comparing the magazine to other fashion magazines that i-D is targeted at the youth of today. Taking into consideration the content of the magazine and the overall style, I think that the age range of readers would be between 16-25 with the median age being around 20. I think that the magazine is targeted at those with a passion for music and fashion but also the more eccentric young adult with dreams of working in a creative industry.
The front cover of the magazine is perhaps the most minimalistic out of all the magazines I have analysed. The music edition of i-D shows only two words present on the cover with no sub headings indicating what the magazine is about. The words 'play loud' are accompanied by popular singer Rihanna. Under the i-D logo are the words 'i-Deas. fashion. music, people' which is perhaps the only indication of the contents of the magazine. I think that this cover design says a lot about the intended audience as it is forward and straight to the point, much like the youth of today.

The Music Edition
 The advertisements shown throughout the magazine convey that the target audience is adolescents and young adults with a passion for clothes and fashion. The expensive brands shown throughout imply that the audience would be able to afford such luxury fashion which suggest that the audience would be from a middle or upper class background. Although there are a few high street brands included, generally the brands advertised are those of expense. What I find almost ironic about the conveyed target audience is that while the magazine portrays that it does not discriminate, in a way it does because the fashion and goods featured are predominantly things that the working class couldn't afford, isolating them from the magazine.

The articles in this magazine are mostly based around music, highlighting up coming personalities whilst celebrating those already present in the industry. What is different about i-D magazine is that more unknown artists are highlighted more than ones already globally known. This is very different to other magazines who often praise those already widely successful. These articles indicate that the target audience is those with a strong interest in music or those aspiring to become musicians themselves.


The fashion influence for i-D is varied across the magazine. Looking through the magazine it is clear that no particular trends are followed. Although SS15 trends are mentioned, it is because of the artistic backdrops that were used for Dried Van Noten's show rather than the fashion influence. Although at the beginning of the magazine the more expensive brands are show, the adverts themselves contain the more eccentric fashions fitting in with the audience of the magazine. As you progress through the magazine it is noticed that the fashion is more influenced by the genre of music the artist is inspired by although the clothes are still branded names, some expensive and some high street.

The fashion is eccentric and has strong musical influences

Predominantly, I would say that the fashion influence is more aimed at the young adult rather than the teenager. Some of the fashion shown appears a lot more maturer than what I would perceive a teen to wear. The fashion is eccentric and cultured and almost rebellious with street and music influences.

The fashion is heavily influenced by music

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