Sunday 7 December 2014

Catwalk look.

Catwalk Look

For this lesson, Branka chose a look for each of us to recreate on a model of our choice.
We could use any products that we wanted as long as we achieved the same look as the picture we were given.
Health and Safety:
-Ensure the model is at the correct height
-Ensure makeup brushes are clean
-Ensure the workspace is clean and tidy
-Ensure all kit is clean
-Use a spatula for depositing products
Products used:
-MAC blue eye shadow FINISH
-Ben Nye eye shadow palette
-Le Maquillage foundation palettes
-Eyebrow Gel
-Kryolan lipstick palette
-MAC painterly
-Makeup mixer
-Kryolan blusher palette
-Translucent powder
-Red lip liner
-Masking tape
Step by step:
-Apply masking tape under the eye to ensure an even line when applying the eye shadow.
-Apply MAC painterly to the eye lids using an eye shadow brush. Be careful not to use too much product and blend it into the skin. This will act as a guide and a base for the eye shadow.
-Apply MAC eye shadow to the lids by pressing it onto the skin lightly. Create the correct shape from looking at the picture and checking balance in the mirror.
- Blend the edges using a blending brush.
-Ask your model to look straight on. Apply mascara to the upper and lower lashes using a fan brush.
-Match the models skin tone to a foundation created using the Le Maquillage foundation palette. Add a small amount of makeup mixer to make it less thick.
-Feather the foundation onto the skin using a foundation brush. Get rid of any streaks using the heat of your hands. Make sure all areas are covered including under the nose and top of the lip.
-Fill in the eyebrows using an eye shadow from the Ben Nye eye shadow palette and an angled brush. Blend with a spooley.
-Apply a soft pink blusher to the face (from the Kryolan palette) start at the apples of the cheeks and blend outwards whilst referring to the picture.
-Set the makeup with translucent powder.
-Highlight the cheekbones using a highlighter from the Kryolan blusher palette. Use a blusher blush to softly apply.
-Using a powder puff to lean on the face for more control, line the lips using a red lip liner.
-Fill in the lips with a bright red colour from the Kryolan lip palette.
Model: Kasia

Model: Kasia
Fig. 2 (Corrected by Branka Vorkapic)
What went well:
I really enjoyed this lesson, particularly because it allowed me a certain amount of freedom. Rather than being told what products to use, I had to examine the photograph and use my initiative. Although it is quite challenging to recreate an image, concluding which products would be best to use was actually quite easily. The most important thing for me was to examine the finish of each product. Was the foundation dewy? Did the lipstick have a matte finish? etc. I found this look more challenging than I thought it would be as balance and shape is extremely important when creating a bold coloured eye. I think that I successfully examined the photograph and chose the right products and was particularly pleased with the lips because I thought the colour was very similar. I think that I filled in the lips well, however I did think that they could have been bigger. The reason I chose not to go outside the natural lip line is because I think that it can make the lips look quite odd and although I wanted to imitate the look, I wanted it to look clean. I particularly enjoyed using the MAC eye shadow as the pigment was really strong and the shimmer finish was beautiful. I think that my foundation application was really well matched and I was pleased with my overall application. When I first started this course, I wasn't too keen on the Le Maquillage palettes as I found the foundations quite thick but have since found that using makeup mixer really helps to make a good foundation consistency and the coverage of the foundation is great.
Problems I faced/overcame:
My main struggle with this makeup was the shape of the eye shadow. I used masking tape to create an even line but I didn't bring it high enough. If you look at the above pictures, you can see the shape I created. (Fig. 1) After spending some time trying to correct the shape, I asked Branka to help me and she showed me how to fix it using a flat makeup brush. (fig. 2) She corrected the left eye and I corrected the right one after. I think my main problem was the brush I was using as I was using a dome shaped brush which doesn't work as effectively for this technique. I  successfully corrected the eye shadow and cleaned mistakes using a cotton bud and moisturiser. Apart from the eyes, I didn't struggle with anything else in particular but felt that there were things I could have changed. I think that my blusher colour needed to be more blended and also needed to be a softer colour like in the photo.
If I were to recreate this look again I would make sure I analysed the eye and lip shapes intently  before beginning to apply the makeup. I would also like to attempt to manipulate the lip shape and eyebrow shape to recreate a more accurate copy. Overall, I was happy with the look I achieved and think that I worked to the best of my ability to recreate the look I was given.
Model: Kasia

Model: Kasia

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