Sunday 7 December 2014


During this lesson, Branka taught us about the different types of lipsticks and lip glosses that are available. There are many different types of lipstick finishes that can be created such as sheer, satin, matte, full coverage, glitter, frosted and gloss.
  For this look, Branka showed us how to line the lips using eyeliner and then how to apply a bold red lip. After, we took the red like that we had created be made it into an ombré lip.

Demonstration by Branka Vorkapic

Products used: 
-MAC lipstick (Ruby Woo)
-MAC lip liner (Cherry) 
-MAC eyeliner (Black)

Health and Safety: 
- Ensure the working area is clean and tidy 
-Ensure the model is positioned at the correct height 
-Ensure all kit is clean 
-Make sure to sharpen lip pencils and disinfect lipsticks 

Step by Step (Red Lip):  
-Place the bottom of your hand under the models chin for stability 
-Starting from the Cupid's bow, line the bow using the MAC lip liner
-Ask the model to open her mouth to line the corners 
-Line from the outside to the Cupid's bow (this enables more control)
-Do the same for the bottom of the lip 
-Fill in the lips using MAC ruby woo and a small domedbshaped brush 
-Ask the model to open her mouth, fold a tissue and blot, fold again and blot. 

Making the red lip ombré:
To transform the lip into an ombré look, use a sharpened black eye liner pencil to re-line the lips using the same techniques as before, then smudge the black line into the lip.
Lining the lips
Creating the red lip

Ombre Lip

Red lip
Lips is something that I have always struggled with so I was a bit apprehensive when approaching this look. I have always found lining the lips difficult but was pleased with the result. I think I lined the lips well although it does appear to be slightly unbalanced. The hardest thing for me about using lip liner is that my hand shakes when I do it. I found Branka's tip of resting the hand under the chin very helpful as it helped me to achieve quite a neat lip line. I found applying the red lipstick particular difficult because the MAC lipstick is very drying and did not go onto the skin as easily as I'd hoped. I think that overall, I created a nice shape but it was slightly over the natural lip line, particularly on the bottom lip. In future, when creating this lip I will make sure to check the mirror for balance as I think red lipstick is very noticeable if it is not applied evenly.

Ombré lip
I found the ombre lip quite challenging. The eyeliner was difficult to use on the lip, particularly because I didn't think it went on very smooth. When trying to blend the black liner into the lip I found I kept making mistakes and tried to rectify it by making the lip slightly bigger. As you can see from the picture, the ombre side of the lip is noticeably larger than the right and does not follow the models lip line in the slightest. I also think I lost the ombre effect by blending it too much and just causing the lip colour to change. This is something I need to work on when I re-create this look. I was really unhappy with how my ombre lip turned out so I decided to go home and practise on another model.

Model: Charlotte Searle
I was much happier with my second attempt at ombre lips however I do still need to practise to get it right. I was happy with the overall shape of the black lip line but wasn't pleased with the cupids bow as the eyeliner dragged and didn't create a smooth line. I think that although overall , the lining was much better and within the natural lip line, particularly on the bottom. I think to improve on this, I could have blended the liner into the red more to make it less prominent.
Overall, I really enjoyed this lesson but  I have found that lips is one of my weaker areas that I need to improve. Comparing my first ombre look to the second, I can already see a clear improvement so with a lot of practise I should be able to perfect the look.

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