Sunday 7 December 2014

Dressing out techniques for long hair using electrical appliances.

In this lesson, Emma showed us a variety of different up do hair styles and asked us to create our own look using a heated appliance. 

Products and Tools:
-Setting spray 
 -Hair straighteners 
-Hair spray
Health and Safety: 
-Ensure the work area is clean and tidy.
-Ensure all equipment is clean
-Be careful when using heated appliances on a model
Step by Step:
-Clip the bulk of the hair to the top of the head
-Starting from underneath, straighten the hair section by section
-For the front, straight the hair away from the face
-Smooth the hair into a side ponytail using a dress out brush
-If the hair is frizzy, spray some hairspray onto the brush and brush through
-Once the hair is in a ponytail, take small section from it and roll towards the head
-Attach to the head using pins
-Use the same technique around the whole head to create a circle
-Even out the circle using the end of a pin tail comb


I found this lesson quite difficult because I find that I over think hair too much and try to compliment the simplest things. The look above was created at home as during the lesson I failed to create a finished hair look. I had an idea in my head of a glamorous red carpet bun that was to the side but during the lesson I found myself getting into a flap and trying a variety of different things that didn't work. I called over Emma as I was struggling and she showed me how to create a simple bun and told me not to over analyse the hair and to just experiment.
The above look was created later at home. Although I was pleased with how the hair came out, I don't think it's as glamorous as I would have liked.  I was happy with the positioning of the bun and think that I managed to secure it really tightly and I was also happy with the overall shape of the bun. For future development I would like to add a few waves in the hair and soften the bun to make it look more romantic as I did feel I created quite a mundane style. I also think that I could have made this look a lot smoother. The dolly heads are very ratty and although I used hairspray and a comb to try and smooth out the hair and create a cleaner look, I do feel that with the help of products, it could have looked a lot better. Overall, I was pleased that I achieved the low side bun that I intended but I think that in future I would like to develop the decorative side of styling.

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